A mate emailed me today. August 13 is Fidel Castro's 81st birthday. Happy Birthday 'Fiddle'™ (BBC).
She couldn’t contain herself. But sadly Fiddle successfully managed to contain himself all day. Of course he's not renowned for shyness on the big occasion. But, alas, the Cuban President didn't allow himself to be seen alive by anyone today. Which only the most cynical would read anything into.
Oh, all right. For some time there's been widespread doubt over Fiddle's continued existence. Even leading statesmen refuse to believe the evidence when it's presented to them.
The email went on: ''We've all seen images of 'Fiddle' lounging around, looking like the Jimmy Savile of Latin America. Mind you, some say he jogged his last in 1981.'
In the absence of any appearance by anyone today, I fear that even the CIA imposter has now, regrettably, jogged his last too. So, if we could all take a moment to quietly reflect upon the life and work of Alexis Papagos. Mr Papagos everyone…
(While we're at it, where the hell's Jimmy Savile got to?)
The rotating kitchen" by Zeger Reyers
31 minutes ago
nuts no way!
though if he is dead he must have planned and wanted it this way...
raul now secure. la lutta continua! most tricky obstacle for Cuban Revolution in 40 years traversed and overcome...
- esp with the rising power of Venezuela just across the water!
i do think he's still alive though, but must be terribly ailing poor soul...
and one of the best healthcare systems in the world, free for all in this poor country of Cuba, to look after him...
PS please don't sue me!
Well, what can one say about the old dictator? Admittedly he has presided over something of big bang in the Cuban economy ... ok, it's the 'adult entertainment' industry, but what the hell?
Cuba is a basket-case. Ok, I freely admit there are very few success stories to point to in Latin America. And the US sanctions on Cuba are self-defeating - and hypocritical considering the extent of US trade with PR China.
Hopefully (yeah, silly I know), the Yanks have perhaps been thinking about what to do when Fidel passes from life in the Marxist paradise in the Carribean. You know, economic aid, identifying those in the old regime prepared to make the change to democratic government, ensuring the Organisation of American States assists in a transition to free elections etc etc.
Too much to hope for?
Yes, DC. I'm afraid it's true. Alexis Paphagos is dead.
The way is now clear for the CIA's Raul imposter to ascend the throne. (Subs, check this. Ed.)
he must be terribly ailing poor soul.
Well, clearly... he died in 1981.
I admire Fiddle - he's a kind of Savile Pinata for Western capitalists... everyone wants a piece of him.
Yip, he put himself out there for the slings and arrows (and exploding cigars) of outrageous fortune.
But you're right, Dc. I think Fiddle has been well taken care of. Erm... so to speak.
PS. My legal team - Sue, Gabbit & Runne Ltd - advise me that 'nuts no way' suggests impropriety and is a critical attack on my character. As such i have been advised to (You're fired. Ed.).
Can someone plz explain 2 me wot exactly hapend? Cos I reli seem not 2 understand wots going on...
1., did fidel castro die in 1981 or wos is him all da way thru?
2., whu is dis CIA guy alexis and we're did dey get him from?
3., if alexis is a CIA agent and dis whole fing ment 2 b 'undercover' howcumz everyone knows abou it?
I'm not quit sure any of uz lot can answer my questions convincing enough but we'll c...
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