In addition to offering a charming china bowl (£19.99rrp) to all our readers, staff at Bobballs have lovingly compiled a visual commemorative piece with ever-before-seen material from our archives. In anticipation of the human outpouring of grief at the loss of the People's Impostor, counsellors are available through the Impostor helpline.
The People's Imposter... a retrospective
Fidel Castro

Alexis Papagos

Alexis Papagos
President of Cuba
First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba
CIA Imposter
(19?? to 2007)
CIA Imposter
(19?? to 2007)
So it is true ... people in PR really do have way too much time on their hands.
Bob, most disappointed, no marking of the anniversary of the death of Elvis. Was looking forward to reading your acerbic musings on he with the ascerbic wit we bob fans so enjoy.
Outrageous Brian! We PR people maximise the time we have to best effect. You on the other hand work in the public sector.
Ah, City Reporter. Editorial decision i'm afraid. Staff at Bobballs decided that the 30th anniversary of Elvis's death was a non-story. So imagine our surprise/outrage when the Biography Channel (where Bobballs gets all its news) was back-to-back Elvis and not a dicky-bird on the life and work of Alexis Papagos.
We felt that we needed to do our bit to raise the profile of the CIA's greatest, Greek-ist intelligence asset.
An important journalistic exercise i think you'll agree.
Interest in Elvis? Interviewing the rapper Mark Morrison? Does a high-profile job (and drug habit) with NME now beckon?
PR people ? ...what does PR stand for ?
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