Tuesday 25 November 2008

O Brother where art thou?

As we predicted. It was a sitter for Alban. European Parliament President comes to NI Assembly. European candidate and NI Assembly member Alban Maginness does some grandstanding on Euro issues.

Well, no. Frontpage of SDLP website offers a smug pic of PJ Bradley holding an indistinct piece of paper about Irish language. Why couldn't it have been a smug pic of Alban in conversation with EU Parliament President Hans Pottering raising Irish language rights with leadership figures of European democracy etc etc etc?

But nothing on his own site or on the SDLP site. Still, maybe something in print media tomorrow...

HINT: If Alban wants to know what he might have done, the UUP offers a helpful hint.

It's the little things, the little nudge, that shows you're on the ball and you're a serious candidate. Oh and Jim Allister noticed Pottering's visit an' all. Well spotted Jim! Ouch, it smarts!

UPDATE: Sorry. Our fault. Staff at Bobballs spoke far too soon. It transpires the UUP snatched defeat from the jaws of victory after all. Shame.

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