Thursday 22 January 2009

An ‘emotional’ Obama Day...

Obama Day was nearly a disaster for so many reasons. US Chief Justice John Roberts succumbed to stage fright and fluffed his lines – that might have been disastrous.

But perspective please! This wasn’t a life or death situation. Oh, no. But these were. From Robert Byrd collapsing and Ted Kennedy having another funny turn while attending the same lunch, and Dick 'Strangelove' Cheney appearing in a wheelchair.

But we’re pleased to report that all are still with us. Best of health for 2009 lads!

PS. Describing anyone as ‘emotional’ is hack speak for ‘pissed’. Describing anyone as ‘tired and emotional’ is hack speak for ‘totally pissed’. So on review when Robert Byrd's ‘emotional’ episode was later linked to non-medical related issue, we're confident he’ll just sleep it off. But best wishes to Ted and Dick...


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I did also think that if Obama believes in omens, he would have been rightly pissed off at what happened inaugeration day.

But now grasshoppers, have you forgotten the miraculous plane landing on the Hudson river and not one person dying?

A plane crashing into a world famous ice cold river in New York less than a week before Obama's inaugeration and not one person croaking it?

That was good omenish/touched by God to the point of scary

Staff at Bobballs said...

My god ShufflingGeisha you raise only the big questions.

The omen of the Hudson. What can it mean? God votes Barry. Oh yes.