Friday 4 January 2008

Huck had a secret weapon… Norris!

When you’re in a vicious do-or-die cockfight with some tough hombres, you need serious back up. No, scratch that. You need Chuck Norris (pictured above with Uzis and bad attitude).

No one knows that better than Mike ‘I love Iowa’ Huckabee. Here’s some testimonials on the Norris doctrine…
  • Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch, He decides what time it is.
  • When the boogeyman goes to bed, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
  • Chuck Norris doesn't sleep. He waits.
  • There's no chin behind Norris' beard. This is only another fist.
Re cockfight scenario, staff at Bobballs would opt for The Nature Boy Ric Flair. No one delivers a reverse knife edge with such venom and force. Wooo! But wait… hang on! Mike Huckabee had the backing of WCW wrestling hero Ric Flair as well?

Ouch. Mitt never had a chance… poor bastard. Woooo!
PS. Staff at Bobballs recommend that the hapless Broon gets Smeato on board to banjo that Cameron in 2010. It’s the only way.
UPDATE: David Brooks has got a great article on Mike Chuck-abee, his middle-class X Factor and how he's putting 'Camp' into Campaign.


The Baron said...

Bob, great work on the Flair Huckabee endorsement! wooo! wooo!

I look forward to Huckabee putting Romney in a figure four leg lock on Super Tuesday.

Wooo! Wooo!

The Baron

Staff at Bobballs said...

figure four leg lock? you mean the sharp shooter? it figures, given what we know about huckabee's support for the second amendment...

maybe romney looks good for the longterm, but i like huckabee.

huck's politics are diametrically opposed to that of staff here at bobballs but i liked his iowa ad. ['Chuck Norris doesn't endorse candidates, he tells America how it's gonna be'.]

but we like romney spin doctors. he gets accused of flip flopping and trying to be everything to everyone. that gets spun into a strength - 'romney is a full spectrum conservative'. it's a beautiful line.

Good to see Baronsville back online.

your mccain video is terrifying. its honest, but terrifying.

Anonymous said...

Huck has done his job - stop Romney. His next job is as GOP VP candidate, making sure the South and evangelicals support McCain.

McCain didn't even campaign in Iowa. His surge is in the NH polls. So, all eyes to NH.

The Baron said...

bob, if you have one (maybe its just me) examine your WWE/WCW back catelogue - say Survivor Series 1992.

I think you may find the nature boy loves his figure four and Bret the Hitman Hart loves the sharpshooter.

I may be wrong.

McCain's comments did not sound good but I would have liked to watch the full video just to see the context.

Can you imagine UUP selection meetings appearing on you tube?

Staff at Bobballs said...

Staff at Bobballs have followed the work of The Hitman and The Hart Foundation for some time. It goes without saying that we admire The Hitman's sharpshooter - and his tremendous smarts in the squared circle and that patented intestinal fortitude.

But i think you'll find that the figure four and the sharpshooter are the same manoeuvre

Tell me if that don't feel like a smack in the lower occipital protuberence. Woooo! Woooo!

And remember... 'win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat.' Ventura 3:16

if the sight of monkeys slinging their own faeces at each other ever becomes entertainment then UUP selection meetings will soon be uploaded onto Youtube. But not till then. Woooo!!