Thursday 26 July 2007

Who bankrolls a loser?

In the Guardian today, David Cameron faces fresh pressure from a key Tory donor. Lord Kalms said the Tory leader had "not quite got the party behind him at the moment" and that the Conservatives were having a "very bad period".

Lord Kalms added: "He's got to get across the things that Conservatives do worry about and they haven't changed - it's about taxation, smaller government."

"There's a lot of gaps in the policy... covering the ground of Europe, social cohesion, grammar schools," he said.

"There's a whole range of policies which are leaving us extremely uncomfortable - the whole area of taxation, smaller government."

Get comfortable Lord Kalms because the Tories have been listening:

Traditional support for our brave boys in uniform

two-fingered salute to Johnny Foreigner

paranoia about Europe and Brussels

Traditional witch hunt on
dole bludgers

And finally, the traditional
deregulation and red tape whinge.

So almost total unanimity from the Tory frontbench. The only dissenting voice? The Leader of the Party apparently who’s off spouting some bollocks about trade tariffs. No traditional support for local manufacturers?

Bloody Cameron. Escapes the floodwater in UK only to go to Africa and come back with a flood of job-destroying cheap foreign imports. Tsk. All right, in truth, removing trade barriers is very noble – but it simply isn’t in the same league as GB lobbying hard to secure debt cancellation in the third world.

There is a gap opening up between Cameron and his party. In a sense, Cameron carries some blame for that. David Cameron’s Conservatives was totally ill-judged. The media are also separating him from the conservative body politic. This is how it can happen, here and here.

Dave Cameron needs to calm down and rejoin the Conservative Party. The Conservatives don’t belong to you, you belong to them, thundered the Daily Mail this week. If I was a Tory this is the advice I would hope Cameron is listening to.

And if I was a Tory, I would tell Cameron to stop blundering about the place, calm down and have a quiet think about what he’s doing. Things aren’t that bad – polls might not be good, but the flow of money is revealing. Who bankrolls a loser?


Anonymous said...

Bob - congrats on the site. I like the pic ... sums up everything about Lib Dem voters.

Yes, you are right about Cameron and the Tories. The Party has entered the silly season spirit with way too much enthusiasm. We both know what happens when a political party decides to revert to type, rather than focus on connecting with the electorate. And the Tories are doing it with style.

However, are you suggesting that Cameron should roll over and accept this? Now he has to display courage and substance - he has to show that he is determined to reform, because without reform the Party's over.

The bottom line is that the Cameron Project is absolutely necessary if the Tories are to have any prospect of winning a general election, whether this time round or next.

And as Fraser Nelson shows in this week's Spectator, Cameron can show some balls because he has another important factor on his side:

"Yet the more Tories ponder the alternatives, the clearer it becomes that there is no better option than the incumbent. Strikingly, no one I spoke to disputes this. One shadow Cabinet member told me that, should Mr Cameron be run over by a bus, ‘I’d kill the bus driver.’ The party has only just emerged from 15 years of civil war — and fear of returning to such mutinous horrors makes Mr Hague the most likely alternative. Mr Cameron’s departure, followed by a vote for two finalists to put to the grassroots members, would have a truly destructive effect: after a fourth defeat, the party would be hard pushed to repeat the good-humoured experience of the 2005 contest. As most Tories will admit, the alternative to the Boy Wonder, for all his flaws, may not be unity under any candidate but five years of chaos".

Anonymous said...

Wahey, Bobs balls, hehe!

But seriously, great to see, now less on the tories and more of the wonderful random posts I do enjoy.